
Report 667: Arab boycott of the Jewish merchants

Aix-en-Provence archive, document n. 9H53, p.1587, Yad Ben-Zvi institute.

Bône (Today, Annaba), 22.08.1934: Report from the commissioner of Bône
Deterioration of the relations between Muslims and Jews following the pogrom in Constantine, after few incidents between the two communities. Decision of the Ligue Mulsumane de Temperance, a local Muslim organization, to boycott the Jewish merchants.
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Fundsraising for an investigation into the pogrom in Constantine

Aix-en-Provence archive, document n. 9H53, p.1581, Ben-Zvi institute.

Bône (Today, Annaba), 18.09.1934: Report from the commissioner of Bône to the Prefect of Constantine and the Governor General of the region.
The report describes how the "Muslim League for Temperance" is raising money for an independant investigation into the pogrom in Constantine.

Report by Guelma Chief of Police to the city's Vice Prefect

Aix-en-Provence archive, document n. 9H53, p.1611, Ben-Zvi Institute.

Guelma (Algeria), 18.08.1934: Report from Guelma's Police Chief to the Vice Prefect of Guelma.
Investigation by Guelma's Chief of Police about a newspaper (El Ouma) article which describes the pogrom in Constantine (Algeria) in August 1934. 
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Front page of the newspaper "El Ouma" - August 1934

Aix-en-Provence archive, document n. 9H53, p.1612-1616, Ben-Zvi Institute.

Paris (France), August-September 1934: Front page of the journal in french language "El Ouma" for the Muslim public in North Africa. Redactor in Chief: Amar Imache.
Headlines: The pogrom in Constantine (Algeria), Lyautey's death, and the Genaral assembly of the "Étoile Nord-Africaine" (North African Star).
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Report on the situation in Philippeville (Algeria) following the pogrom in Constantine in 1934

Aix-en-Provence archive, document n. 9H53, p.1626-1630, Ben-Zvi Institute.

Philippeville (Algeria, today - Skikda), 10.08.1934: Report, Recipient and sender not clear.
Description of the causes that led to the Constantine pogrom of August 1934, and the measures that have been undertaken by the authorities in the city to prevent further public disorder.
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Booklet from the Communist party in Philippeville (Algeria) on the Constantine's pogrom in 1934

Aix-en-Provence archive, document n. 9H53, p.1631-1633, Ben-Zvi Institute.

Philippeville (Algeria), 14.08.1934: Booklet of the Communist party in Philippeville, and report of the Vice Prefect of Philippeville to the Prefect of Constantine.
Following the pogrom in Constantine, an appeal from the Communist party in Philippeville to all the workers not to be divided, but to fight against Capitalism and Imperialism.
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