Pétain Henri-Philippe

פנקס רשימות המכתבים שנשלחו על ידי מחלקת השאלה היהודית ואגודות הסתרים בקונסטנטין במחצית הראשונה של חודש אפריל 1942

List of some 171 letters that were sent by the Departement for Jewish Matters and Secret Societies during the first half of April 1942. According to the footnotes, these letters deal with the Vichy anti-Jewish legislation, the unemployment among Jewish population, the arianization of their properties and so on.   

From the Aix-en-Provence archives, 933G2 IMG_6588-6601. 

מסמך מנהלי אודות בתי הספר להכשרת עובדי המנהל, 21/05/1942

Document from the Constantine Prefect transmitting a circular issued by the Gouvernor General of Algeria, in which he requires to ease the involvement of French officials in internships offered by a school for young executives in El-Riath.  

From the Aix-en-Provence archives, 933G1 IMG_6550. 


Letter concerning the new name of the Department for Jewish Questions and Secret Societies in Algiers, 12/05/1942

Letter from the Gouvernor General of Algeria to the Prefect in Constantine regarding the new name that is to be given to the Department for Jewish Questions and Secret Societies, namely the "Department for Reserved Matters".

From the Aix-en-Provence archives, 9331G IMG_6548.  



Letter concerning the establishment of a central administrative department dealing with the Jewish Questions and the Secret Societies in Algiers, 01/14/1942

Letter from the Gouvernor General of Algeria to the Constantine Prefect that evokes the establishment of a central administrative department in Algiers dealing with the Jewish and the Secret Societies matters. The Gouvernor General also specifies that all the letters previously addressed to his services under the title "Personnal matters" should be addressed by now to the aforementioned department. 

From the Aix-en-Provence archives, 933G1 IMG_6547.

צו הקמת המחלקה המכונה "משטרת השאלה היהודית", 19/10/1941

Administrative document issued by the Minister of the Interior of Vichy France Pierre Pucheu, in which he orders the establishment of a new police department called "Police for Jewish Matters". The document also provides the administrative status of the new service and an explanation of its functioning and objectives.

From the Aix-en-Provence archives, 933G1 IMG_6532, 6533. 

Recruitment and organization of Arab volunteers in combat units

File No. 27827 R German Foreign Office archives 
Documents from the years  1942-3 about as follows: 
- Orders of the Allied forces in North Africa under the control of French 
- A rebellion of the Arab population in North Africa under the leadership of Mufti 
- Recruiting volunteers Arabs in Tunisia and organizing combat units against Allied forces as part of the Wehrmacht 
- Propaganda in the Arab population in North Africa