Nataf Elie

Financial assitance to the poor Jews of Casablanca

Ben Azaraf Archive, Yad Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem. Container 3, file 16, documents A2-B2.Article dated 30.11.1937, "L'Union Marocaine", is a request for financial assitance from rich Jews of Casablanca to the poor Jews, especially in education. The article is written by Elie Nataf, the President of the Jewish Community of Tunisia and cites a detailed report of donations received in the past and the use of them. 

Claude Nataf, The Tunisian Jews facing Vichy and the german persecutions - The authorities in Tunisia

Nataf relates to the French and Tunisian authorities in Tunisia. In:  
Claude Nataf, Les Juifs de Tunisie face à Vichy et aux persécutions allemandes, in Pardès, numéro spécial Les Juifs de France dans la Seconde guerre mondiale, sous la direction d’André Kaspi, Annie Kriegel, Annette Wieviorka, 1992, pp. 206-208

Claude Nataf, The Tunisian Jews facing Vichy and the german persecutions - Application of the Bey order, 30.11.1940

Nataf relates to the Application of the Bey order, 30.11.1940.  
Claude Nataf, Les Juifs de Tunisie face à Vichy et aux persécutions allemandes, in Pardès, numéro spécial Les Juifs de France dans la Seconde guerre mondiale, sous la direction d’André Kaspi, Annie Kriegel, Annette Wieviorka, 1992, pp. 208-209