German High Command

Anti-Semitic propaganda and confiscation of money from Jews in Tunisia

File  number 19-VIII RH from German military archives containing various reports years 1941-43
Document dated 09/06/1941 with the analysis of the German armored forces of the situation in North Africa
                    The British are in distress, concentrated in Egypt over the Nile and are not able to attack Libya
 "Take advantage of the situation and take the city of Tobruk in Libya until mid-November 1941"
-List of the military needs to attack Tobruk

Recruitment and organization of Arab volunteers in combat units

File No. 27827 R German Foreign Office archives 
Documents from the years  1942-3 about as follows: 
- Orders of the Allied forces in North Africa under the control of French 
- A rebellion of the Arab population in North Africa under the leadership of Mufti 
- Recruiting volunteers Arabs in Tunisia and organizing combat units against Allied forces as part of the Wehrmacht 
- Propaganda in the Arab population in North Africa

Mufti's correspondence 1941-1943

German Foreign Office Archive File R 27324, Correspondence Between German Officials  and Haj  Amin El-Husseini, the grand Mufti of Jerusalem 1941-1943
Corporation between the Mufti and Giliani
Plans for the Liberated Muslim Countries
Different Meetings
P. 46: Mufti Desire to take part in the Battles in Egypt  
P. 42-141: Letter to Von-Ribbentrop on the mufti's attentions to meet Arab leaders in North Africa.