Bourguiba Habib

Recruitment and organization of Arab volunteers in combat units

File No. 27827 R German Foreign Office archives 
Documents from the years  1942-3 about as follows: 
- Orders of the Allied forces in North Africa under the control of French 
- A rebellion of the Arab population in North Africa under the leadership of Mufti 
- Recruiting volunteers Arabs in Tunisia and organizing combat units against Allied forces as part of the Wehrmacht 
- Propaganda in the Arab population in North Africa

German Consul Rahn on Jewish pogrom in Tunisia

Bad Arolsen Archive (Its North Africa 022011) PP 82202695-82202697
Rudolf Rahn the German consul in Tunisia writs to the German Foreign Office on arming local Arab Underground to fight against  the Allies.  he said that Looting from French Colonialists and Pogrom against the Jews should be allowed, also says that the German should bring back  Habib Bourguiba. 

The Document is available for view at the Documentation Center after setting an