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Telegram from Rahn to the German Foreign Ministry, Ident.LATS 01293 from the 15/12/1942




וישי, תוניס, תוניסיה


Georges Guibauld, Jean-Pierre Esteva, Pierre Labal


espionage, German-French Relations


Dienststelle Rahn, French military in Tunisia, French Residency, Gaullist forces in Tunisia, German foreign ministry, Vichy goverment


political archive of the foreign ministry

Folder Number:

Rahn _Dec42_page 62-65


Language: German

Telegram from Rahn to the Foreign Ministry, detailing the actions taken by Guilbaud after being granted permission for propagandistic endeavors by Vichy. It describes him taking control of the administration and uncovering Gaullist espionage networks using sometimes brutal methods, even questioning the policies of Pierre Laval, which makes him a valuable German asset against the French Administration. Therefore Rahn requests even more authority to be given to him, even being involved in the reports of General Esteva to Vichy. Finally also mentions the willingness of French troops to report enemy agents in their own ranks, as long as Germans guarantee not to execute them.

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