Afrika Korps

Review on French North Africa in 1943

An Essay which contains review on French North Africa in 1943. The review was published in the yearbook of foreign policy in 1944, pp. 1009-1026. 
The book was published by Prof. F.A. Six as an initiative of the German Foreign Ministry. 
The document mentions that general Giraud cancelled discriminatory laws against Jews. Jews returned to their jobs and their salaries are paid in retroactively.  

French North Africa in 1942

Political review on french north africa in 1942.(Jahrbuch der Weltpolitik 1943, pp. 1037-1047)It is noted that Giraud canceled anti-Jewish legislation and appointed the Jews Rene Mayer, Gunzbourg and Weill to public positions in Algeria. Weill was responsible for the improving of status of Jews. 900 Jewish prisoners in French North Africa were liberated. Most of them chose to join the USA army or to obtain visas to the USA