The North African Campaign

The Situation of Algerian Jews before and after the Armistice in June 1940: The Occupation of Midwife is prohibited for Jews

Mémorial de la Shoah Archives, file Algeria CCCLXXXV, page 649, The Ben Zvi Institute
The Situation of Algerian Jews before and after the Armistice of June 1940: The Occupation of Midwife is prohibited for Jews
You can view the item at the Documentation Center 

Letters regarding Abram Millech

Abram Millech is a Palestinian Jew (Born in Poland) who immigrated to France in 1939 and joined the Foreign Legion under the name Albert Mark - in order to fight the Nazis. Discharged in 1940 in Casablanca, he was arrested by the Vichy Government and was a prisoner at Abu Arfa.
The letters are handling the terms of his release as a British, Belgium, or Polish citizen.
From the Archives of the American Friends Service CommitteAfsc_01_18_26