Telegram from the British Foreign Office (probably to Sir V. Mallet in) Rome re: Polish Invalids' Pensions, 4.6.1948
Draft and typed copy of what is most likely a telegram sent by the British Foreign Office in response to correspondence from Sir V. Mallet in Rome, regarding the future of demobilized Polish soldiers currently in Italy (see: FO 371_71552_025-027, here and here). The Foreign Office mentions that pensions do normally include "supplementary grants" where needed (in this case, for medical care of Polish invalids with tuberculosis); that any of these invalids who cannot be resettled in Italy will be able to enter the UK; and that the Ministry of Pensions is being "pressed" for decisions on the pensions of these Polish invalids, which Sir V. Mallet had mentioned would be good to have soon.
2 pages, 1 handwritten (draft). Dated to June 4, 1948.