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“Strassburger Neueste Nachrichten”, 13.05.1943, p_37-39




German Newspaper Strassburger Neueste Nachrichten

שם ארכיון:

German Archives


Features information about battles in Catania, Marsala and the mountains of Zaghoun, where the Axis powers face great difficulties. The recent battles have been described as “battles of honour”, there are no chances of winning the fights. The situation on the East Front comes up as well, just as the order of the British minister of agriculture to supply the UK with goods from Tunisisa, which is portrayed as a looting in German media. The USA join the war in North Africa and the Italian achievements in the past battles are mentioned. Page 39 features an article on Hungarian Jews, which are told to “benefit” financially from the war. The Hungarian police has taken measures in order to suppress Jewish businesses and individuals.