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German correspondence on Anglo-Soviet propaganda strategies in South Africa and Scandinavia, 1st-26th january 1942, p_30-37






several German diplomats and officers


German Ministry of Foreign Affairs

שם ארכיון:

Political Department of the Foreign Ministry (archive)

Folder Number:



The files deal with Bolshevist forces being supported by the US and the occurrence that Black soldiers fought in the army in South Africa, which the German government rejects. Meanwhile, German authorities plan to increase the amount of propaganda aimed at the white South African population in order to diminish the impact of US-American ideologies. Other topics that come up are the threat China and India represent, which are told to have enough manpower to eliminate Japan´s influence in the region completely. In addition, the German intelligence department discovered private files of the former French Prime Minister Léon Blum, which inherit correspondences with high-ranking communist officers in Spain. In case the Communists should win the Spanish Civil War, they promise to favour Great Britain´s and France´s interests concerning political and economic issues, just like they are willing to let them dominate Spanish-Morocco. In return, they want military support concerning the Italian-German threat. Those documents are to be published in order to show South American countries the extent of British-Bolshevist collaboration.