Document from the German Foreign Ministry containing a Telegram from Rahn to ambassador Abetz, reporting on the current situation in Tunisia; Tunis – 12/5/1942 + handwritten version
Language: German
Document from the Foreign Ministry, titled “Geheime Kommandosache” containing a telegram from Rahn, send through the German Embassy in Paris, in which he describes the current situation in Tunis regarding five points:
- destabilization of Tunis after the withdrawal of French troops and passivity of the Residential Government, expecting an Allied win
- stronger reliance on newly organized youth groups like the Doriot movement as auxiliary police and authority over the media
- repeated request about Rahn's plans to clear Bizerta
- intent on establishing armed Arab forces in cooperation with Desturian-Movement, which would be facilitated by the release of leaders, especially Habib Bourguiba
- necessity to destabilize enemy territories to prevent material-superiority of Allies
Also, handwritten original, which was received from the German embassy in Paris enclosed