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Private Papers of H H Kassman – Letter to Alfred, August 21, 1941




טוברוק, לונדון


H. Henry Kassman


הצבא הבריטי

Nom du fonds d’archives:

Imperial War Museum (IWM)

Folder Number:

Gunner HH Kassman 6-8.1941


Letter from Gunner H. Henry Kassman to Alfred Eibuschitz (mother’s husband), from within a file of his correspondence between 1941-1943 compiled by his daughter in 2010. File’s contents are primarily typed letters and other correspondence, occasionally reproduced (often in addition to the typed version), and also include photographs, diary entries from Kenneth Rankin’s book Top-Hats in Tobruk, some other written materials, and some explanatory material. For further information, please see the folder summary. For all posts about this collection, please click on the « H. Henry Kassman » tag in this post.

Pages 13-14: Letter to Mr. Eibuschitz (mother’s new husband). Mr. Eibuschitz’s letter of June 2nd was received yesterday. Kassman expresses assurance that he and Alec (brother) are both very happy about their mother’s remarriage, having worried about her living alone in London (« she must have been in rather an unsettled and lonely state »). The wedding was in June. They look forward to meeting him, though it will probably be a long time away.

Discussion of past trips. Mention of a Dr. Winter, whom Kassman met on a Central European mountain holiday and seems to be a mutual friend of his and the new husband’s. Kassman refers to his meeting Dr. Winter as the indirect cause of the marriage.

Ending matter, hopes that he and the mother are both very well.


1/2 page (spread over two), typed. Dated August 21, 1941.