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Telegram from Rahn to the German Foreign Ministry, Ident. LATS 0587 from the 12/12/1942




Greatmufti, Habib Bourguiba, Moncef Bey


German-Tunisian Relations, propaganda


Destour, German foreign ministry

Nom du fonds d’archives:

political archive of the foreign ministry

Folder Number:

Rahn_Dec42_pages 45-46


Languange: German

Telegram from Rahn to the Foreign Ministry, explaining why he estimates a visit of the Greatmufti to Tunis as momentarily ineffective, by going into detail about the motives and background of the Bey, as a really compromise oriented party. He also proposes the possibility of an Arab uprising instigated through the Desturian Habib Bourguiba, which wouldn´t be favored by the presence of the Greatmufti

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