Letter to R. M. A. Hankey of the British Foreign Office from E. F. Oliver of the British Embassy in Rome about E. H. Czapski and Polish Soldiers’ Resettlement in Morocco, 03.05.1948
Letter to R. M. A. Hankey of the British Foreign Office from E. F. Oliver of the British Embassy in Rome about Count E. H. Czapski and his future at the British Embassy and in general. Divided into three points. Mentions a potential visit of Hankey’s to Rome in May. Enclosed: a « sketchy [but] might come in useful for planning purposes as a suggestion of the general lines to work on » « short project for a scheme of resettlement for Polish technicians in Morocco. » Lt. Jelenski, one of Czapski’s officers, confidentially told Oliver that Czapski has recently heard from some former Polish soldiers in England who previously wanted to settle in Morocco « but are now crying off on the grounds, roughly speaking, that war is imminent and that they would be ‘deserting’ the Polish cause. » (See: FO 371_71552_018.)
1 page typewritten. Dated to May 5, 1948.