File regarding the retention of the political status of Deraï Edmond Israël, containing several documents, June 1941.
This file contains various documents:
- Individual notice stating that Deraï Edmond Israël does not meet the conditions required by Article 5 of the law of October 7, 1940, to retain the political status of a citizen. [93 3 G 10-IMG_8069]
- Document from the prefect to the prosecutor regarding the request for authorization to retain the political status of a French citizen for Deraï Edmond Israël, June 19, 1941. [93 3 G 10-IMG_8070]
- Confidential report from the mayor of Constantine on the service record and political opinions of Deraï Edmond, June 9, 1941. [93 3 G 10-IMG_8071]