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Anti-Semitic propaganda and confiscation of money from Jews in Tunisia




אל אעוינה, ברלין, גאבס, דרנה, טוברוק, טוזור, טריפולי, קהיר, קירנאיקה, רומא, תוניס


אל-חוסייני חאג' אמין, היטלר אדולף


אנטישמיות, אספקה, בנות הברית, מלחמת העולם השנייה, שבוי מלחמה, תעמולה


הפיקוד העליון של הוורמאכט, הצבא הבריטי, וורמאכט, צבא איטליה


File  number 19-VIII RH from German military archives containing various reports years 1941-43
Document dated 09/06/1941 with the analysis of the German armored forces of the situation in North Africa
                    The British are in distress, concentrated in Egypt over the Nile and are not able to attack Libya
 "Take advantage of the situation and take the city of Tobruk in Libya until mid-November 1941"
-List of the military needs to attack Tobruk
-Document dated 04/05/1942: pre-order ZE German forces armored forces commander about hostage-taking
-Arabs or Jews seizure as hostages should be made by the Italian authorities and not by the German forces
-Document dated 01/28/1943 which reported the seizure of a line-Tozhor Gafsa in Tunisia
-File 5-86000 French francs confiscated Jewish money changers to compensate the Arabs attacked by  the Allied bombings
File 8 – Demand for Arab propaganda materials, as well as postcards of the Mufti and Hitler
Attached Files

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