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The National Lotterie in Tunisia and Algeria


אלג'יר, וישי, פאריס, תוניס


היטלר אדולף


אזרח, אזרחות, אנטישמיות, אסלאם


בנק צרפת, משרד האוצר הצרפתי


The document was written on 13.3.1943 in Tunis in honor of the Representative of diplomacy in  Vichy and The Ministry of Finance in Paris. The document is a detailed report of the activities and results of the national lottery games in Tunis. In the report there is a detailed request to renew the lottery in Tunisia and Algeria. The report outlines the importance of such sweepstakes lottery due to the fact that profit is intended for French war wounded. Th document mentions that ticket sellers are mostly Jewish, Muslims do not buy the tickets because of religious reasons and most of the participants in the lottery are French Jews living in Algeria or Tunisia.

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