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Rapport mensuel sur l’activité indigène dans le Département d’Alger, mai 1940




אירופה, אלג'יר


cheikh el Okbi


antisémitisme, Emeutes de constantine 1934, Indigènes



Folder Number:



This report provides an overview of May 1940 on the political activity of elected Muslim officials, reformist ulama, the Algerian People’s Party, etc. We can also read there information on the youth of the Algerian Muslim congress, the action of the European parties on the Natives, the native workers, the economic question, etc.

The incident in which a native, veteran, military medalist was killed left a taste of bitterness among Muslim veterans. “This affair is symptomatic of the hostility which subsists in all indigenous circles against the Jews.” “The accusations, whether founded or not, of speculation made frequently against the Jews” are likely to make matters worse.

A long note concerns the relationship between Jews and Muslims: “We have always pointed out this hostility”. “The Muslims profess the most sovereign contempt for the Jews (writes for example Colonel Robin, analyzing the causes of the great Kabyle revolt, in his work on” The insurrection of Kabylia in 1871 “, it is to such an extent that to kill one of them is in their eyes a dishonorable act, as it would be to kill a defenseless woman. “” Muslims despise the Jews, but they do not honor them with their hatred … The Jew has returned services in Algeria; whenever new positions have been created, the first merchant who established himself there has always been a Jew; in the cities when you are not afraid to haggle, it is still in the shops Jews who are found to be provided at a lower cost; once the deal is accepted, the Jew is generally honest in his execution “. ” Many natives left what they had in the hands of the Jews … , the need to appear put the Arab leader in their hands … “However the Muslims were offended s to see us elevate to our level people they regard as vile. They complained to us for having raised the Jews to our level, and they conceived a certain disapproval for us: it is not the Jews who become French, they said bitterly, it is the French who become Jews. What they couldn’t bear the idea of ​​was the possibility of seeing Jews ordering them … “.

“The score is roughly the same among all informed observers, and the massacres of Constantine in 1934 showed that the situation, in this regard, had not changed significantly since the last century. impatience that Muslims see the entry of the Israelites into our administrations. German propaganda, on the other hand, never ceases to flatter this sentiment.”