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דו”ח על סכסוך בין מוסלמים ליהודים בקונסטנטין







Folder Number:



Report of the police commissioner on a dispute between native Muslims and Israelites.

Approximate deciphering:

“I have the honor to inform Commissioner Central that today, at a quarter past two, I was warned by the service agent rue de France that Rue Thiers was invaded by a crowd of Israelites who were besieging a native house in which they wanted to break in. I went immediately to the scene accompanied by my secretary and the agent of the orderly and I actually found that in this street were more A thousand Israelites, most of whom were massed at the entrance to the Prudhon River, where several native families live in number 8. I immediately requested soldiers who were among the crowd and entered the village. home, where it was declared to me that a few moments before a young native about 3 years old, playing with other Israelite children of his age, having had a discussion with them had fled to his house shouting. m He ran to the doorway, in front of which a crowd of Israelites had gathered, and was lightly struck in the left arm by an individual who was declared to me to be the son-in-law of a man named Ghenassia. Thiers street.
I invited this woman to get a medical certificate.
When my investigation was over, I immediately dispersed the rally that had formed. The calm was completely restored around three o’clock in the evening. Nevertheless, I left on the street to avoid the return of a conflict always probable an inspector and several agents.
After this beginning of the fight, strongly repressed, the Sieur Attali Kahmine, 49, tailor, rue Thiers came to declare me that before my arrival, while he sought to put calm between the Israelites and the natives, he received on the head a pedestal stand appearing to come from the house bearing No. 8 Prudhon Street and which caused him an injury resulting in fifteen days of incapacity for work.
I believe that for a few days it is necessary to provide an additional service of one or two agents Thiers Street to deal with any eventuality.”

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