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Video testimony by Moshe Gvily


בנגאזי, טריפולי, ירושלים


אנטישמיות, גירוש, הפצצה, מחנות, רעב


הוועד היהודי האמריקאי (ג'וינט), הצבא הבריטי


His family came to Benghazi from Tripoli. His father had a candy shop and he used to help him.
Studied at an Italian school and a Jewish school 
Had many Italian friends – they used to go to the beach and play.  Confrontations with Arab kids
Also talk about the Jado camp – hunger, diseases…etc.
Liberation in 1941 by the British army
Working for Tunisian police, Making Aliya to Israel and setelling in Jerusalem
Yad Vashem VT-11401

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