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German correspondence on Anglo-Soviet propaganda strategies in South Africa and Scandinavia, 1st-26th january 1942, p_38-64






several German diplomats and officers


German Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Nom du fonds d’archives:

Political Department of the Foreign Ministry (archive)

Folder Number:



(page 38-47: French documents)

Finnish authorities do not approve the German propaganda strategies, henceforth they are not to be aired. Secret documents in the office of the finance minister of Ecuador prove that the USA have linked loans and investments to political demands against Germany, even before the war. The next pages contain these documents. The state of Ecuador is asked to mobilize all its political power in order to push back all totalitarian forces. Great Britain is told to increase the number of female volunteers in Buenos Aires and the measurement is mocked in the German press. The following pages deal with personnel questions and US-relationships with the pope. Topics that come up as well are British-Iranian relationships, the support shortfall in Greece and famine.