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German Africa Corps (German documents) from April – November 1942, Libya, p_65-85






Erwin Rommel, high-ranking officers


German military

Nom du fonds d’archives:

national Archives London

Folder Number:



The files contain the table of contents, a report on the involved military brass and the evolvement of the military operation. There have been plans to start the attack in the upcoming days, since the enemy has behaved quite passively in the past days. In addition, the German troops haven’t really suffered damage at all. The situation seems to be in favour of the Germans, since the military supply is considered safe and Italy is proofs itself as a reliable partner. Military authorities regard the Sollum-Bardia-front as a “key” to the region. The past days of the operation were beneficial to the German forces, since the enemy has been successfully deceived and further steps of the operation can take place now. Plus, divisions will get support by the airforce. It is also talked about the encounter of high-ranking officers.