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Telegram to the British Foreign Office from Sir V. Mallet in Rome re: Polish Invalids (Former Soldiers) Interviewed in Italy; Offer of Admission to the UK, Pensions Vital 24.5.1948




איטליה, רומא


Sir V. Mallet


משרד החוץ הבריטי


National UK Archives

Folder Number:

FO 371_71552_027


Telegram from Sir V. Mallet in Rome to the British Foreign Office (copy for departmental distribution). “My telegram No. 803.” Part of N6105 (Foreign Office folder).

This telegram reports on personal interviews of Polish invalids (former soldiers) currently in Italy, including their reactions to being offered admission to the United Kingdom. Referenced: paragraph 4 of Chancery letter to Northern Department No. 32/195/48 on May 15, 1948. Approximately half of the invalids could be settled in Italy with some conditions fulfilled.

Three categories of invalids (those who could support themselves in Italy once they get their pensions); tuberculosis patients (mostly) who could support themselves with a grant beyond their normal pensions to pay for out-patient treatment; five serious tuberculosis patients who should not be moved anyway, who could be admitted to “a certain workers sanitorium” with an additional grant to their pensions to cover the cost. Therefore, a quick decision on pensions is requested (it’s been slow).

Also see: minutes of the Foreign Office meeting regarding this (FO 371_71552_025-026), here, and the Office’s response (FO_371_71552_028-029), here.

1 page, typewritten. Dated May 24, 1948 (sent and received the same day).