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Private Papers of H H Kassman – Letter from Kassman to Viviane, November 9, 1943




איטליה, אלג'יריה, צפון אפריקה


H. Henry Kassman


בית חולים, מחלה


הצבא הבריטי


Imperial War Museum (IWM)

Folder Number:

Gunner HH Kassman 8-12.1943


Compiler’s note: “Henry contracts jaundice: his journey back to North Africa for treatment”. 

Pages 10-11: Letter to Viviane. Kassman’s unit is still in Italy; he is back in North Africa, in a country he wasn’t previously in, having contracted jaundice and been sent between multiple hospitals in Italy before unexpectedly (to him) being put on a boat to North Africa (he was nearly recovered by the time he arrived). He is now at a Convalescent Depot waiting for discharge, after which he will attempt to return to Italy. Accounts of Kassman’s interactions with other patients, some impressions of the hospital environment and the people running the Convalescence Depot. See letter to mother from 19/11/1943 for a second account of Kassman’s illness and trip, with some different details.