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Private Papers of H H Kassman – Letter from Kassman to Mother, Photographs (Parade Magazine), January 3, 1943 and September 6, 1941




South Africa, לוב


H. Henry Kassman


בית כנסת, השאלה היהודית


הצבא הבריטי


Imperial War Museum (IWM)

Folder Number:

Gunner HH Kassman 1-3.1943


Page 1: Letter (“Letter Card”) to mother. Mail, including from Alec. Alec’s adventures in [South Africa]: last letter from Durban, traveling by boat through Port Sudan, Aden, Massawa, Mogadishu, and Mombasa. Local weather and its effects. They’ve joined up with Kassman’s old Battery (censored word, probably ‘153’ per the compiler’s note). Army life, detail/anecdote about Jack “Dan” Daniel’s photograph in Parade Magazine and Battery church service in the same. Service at local synagogue (over 200 years old) (undamaged) – details, including of attendance and Major Rabinowitz’s (the service leader) views and Kassman’s changed views as compared to before the war with regard to the Jewish question. Food. 

Page 2: Photographs: “Photo of Dan [Jack “Dan” Daniel] from magazine ‘Parade’, 6 September 1941 edition”; “A church service for members of Henry’s battery. From ‘Parade’ 6 September 1941”.