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Private Papers of H H Kassman – Letter from Kassman to Mother, BBC Article, Photograph, Telegram to Mother, July 7-13, 1942




Egypt, Heliopolis, אל עלמיין, אלכסנדריה, אנגליה, לוב


H. Henry Kassman


הצבא הבריטי


Imperial War Museum (IWM)

Folder Number:

Gunner HH Kassman 5-8.1942


Pages 6-7: Letter to mother (July 7, 1942). Mail (including his and mother’s opinions on his letters), details of his finances and desired financial investments. Recent move, away from the sea, still comfortable and with local leave. Unaffected by fighting in Libya apart from seeing soldiers on leave who were just stationed there. Germans currently being held at El Alamein (see BBC website article on the Battle of El Alamein).  

Pages 7-8: “The Battle of El Alamein (edited from BBC website by Jenny Kassman)” by Professor Richard Holmes, last updated 5/11/2009. Account of the Battle of El Alamein and the Axis defeat, and its effect on British morale. 

Page 8: Photograph: “Rue Rouad Alexandria 7/42” 

Page 8: Telegram to mother (July 13, 1942). “All well and safe writing all our love.”