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Private Papers of H H Kassman – Correspondence between Kassman and John Welsh III (editor of Stars and Stripes US newspaper in Algiers), November 28, 1943-January 21, 1944




אלג'יר, ארצות הברית, בארי, בריטניה


H. Henry Kassman




Red Cross, הצבא הבריטי, צבא ארה"ב


Imperial War Museum (IWM)

Folder Number:

Gunner HH Kassman 8-12.1943


Page 15: Compiler’s note: “Draft of letter sent to the editor of the U.S. newspaper, Stars and Stripes in Algiers.” Kassman writes complaining of poor American hospitality in Algiers (at the American Red Cross building) as compared to what he experienced in the past three years and more in the ‘Mediterranean theatre of war’ amongst a wide variety of nationalities. Also mentioned: the British YMCA (much more favorably). 28/11/1943 

Page 16: Letter from John Welsh III (private, Services Editor at Stars and Stripes US newspaper in Algiers) to Kassman. Response defending and attempting to clarify the treatment Kassman complained about, as well as detailing types of events available to the public. 12/1/1944 

Page 17: Draft letter from Kassman to John Welsh III. Compiler’s note: “Draft letter responding to the reply received from the editor of the Stars and Stripes.” Relations (past and present) between British and American troops. Note comparing American Red Cross buildings – Algiers and Bari. 21/1/1944