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Power relations between Jews, Muslims and Italians in Libya


אלג'יר, גאבס, זוארה, טריפולי, ספקס, רומא, תוניס


De Gaulle, באלבו, איטלו


Facisem, אנטישמיות, הקורפוס האפריקני, חוקי גזע, חוקי נירנברג, מדינות הציר, מסחר, משטר וישי, פוגרום, קומוניזם, שבוי מלחמה


הבונים החופשיים, וורמאכט


The document is categorized as RH 23 in BA-MA Freiburg military Archive
It deals with balance of powers in North Africa.
P. 8: In framework of this report, it is written that French officers present hostile trends towards the Jews, the freemasons and the communists.
P. 8: "The Arabs in Tunis express friendliness and welcome the German officers
There is a hostility between the Arabs and the Jews: it is reported that a pogrom was implemented in the city Gabes on 19-20.5.41 and at least 7 Jews were killed. The garisson has to make peace between the sides"
P. 13: It is reported that 3 Jews were caught in the North African coast among other captives
From them 2 are originally from Vienna and the other one from Warsaw. They speak German fluently and might be a spy unit
P. 16-17: A report on the relationship between the Jews in Tripoli with the Italians – the Jews still try to maintain thier control in the Italian regions
The writer relates to a claim, saying that the Jews are decent and loyal citizens.
The Jews own the most expensive Hauses in Tripoli and and let the Italian officers to rent it.
They have a strong control on the commence in Tripoli