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Jewish boycott of German goods




גרמניה, טטואן, טנג'יר


אבולקר הנרי




משרד החוץ הגרמני, Auswärtiges Amt


:Documents from file  R 71 093 of the German Foreign Ministry archives
1) von Rinteln reported of increased activity in the Jewish boycott on trade with German companies in Tangier and in French controlled area. )(06/16/1933(
2) document used by Von Rinteln as referent of the German Foreign Ministry for Morocco.
In the Document he detailed the various restrictions imposed on German nationals in Morocco
Since the end of World War 1 there are suspicions about the imperialist policy of Germany. Despite considerable diplomatic activity, restrictions continued, even if there were occasional breaks.
It is also linked to איק ןמדאשנןךןאט among the different tribes in Morocco, which could’ve endanger the French government.
Von Rinteln explanation detailed for the editor of a scientific journal. (05.12.1934)
3) a request by representatives of German merchants in Spanish Morocco in Tetuan to the German consul called Brosh.
They complained about the difficulties and limitations piled  onto them in commercial activities. In contrast,  Germans  Jews, and German immigrants or German-speaking Jews can fully engage in trade.