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Renseignement au sujet des indigènes algériens vis à vis des puissances étrangères, Alger, 8 juillet 1940




אוראן, איטליה, אלג'יר, אנגליה, גרמניה, צרפת, קונסטנטין


Indigènes, problème palestinien, propagande



Folder Number:



This report indicates the dispositions of the Algerian natives towards the Foreign Powers:

1. Hostility towards Italy

2. Growing current of sympathy for Germany (thanks to its victory, its anti-Semitism, its Islamophile position of its Arab radio broadcasts, the belief that it is favorable “to the rights” of the natives

3. Current of antipathy against England (because of the current Franco-English disputes, the memories of the Palestinian affair, the egoism of colonial methods)

4. France’s place is losing its importance. We are gradually realizing that the French era is over and that the time has come for Germany

This report indicates that it is important to make the official and public declaration that Algeria considered as French territory will remain French, without discussions at the Peace Conference. The same declaration should be obtained from Germany and Italy.