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Undated account of the struggle to obtain a decree granting French citizenship by birth to the Jews of Algeria


אלג'יר, אלג'יריה, אלג'יריה


Guigui, Valensi


décret Crémieux


Comité juif Algérien d'Etudes Sociales, Comité juif d'études et d'entraide sociales


Memorial de La Shoah

Folder Number:



This report pays tribute to the work of Alfred Gigi who worked to establish a decree in favor of the Jews. He explains the struggle to obtain a decree granting French citizenship to the Jews of Algeria and to protect the rights of the Jews. Despite this victory, we must remain vigilant and take active action against anti-Semitism, which is still virulent. This report also discusses the question of the establishment of the Algerian Jewish Committee for the Social Sciences by Mr. Levi-Valensi, who had an important role with Alfred Gigi. The latter, after thanking the various people who intervened in his actions, explained the steps he had taken vis-à-vis the public authorities to obtain recognition of the Jews of Algeria. His action was difficult, especially with the Bell Abbas affair

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