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Private Papers of H H Kassman – Letter from Kassman to Mother, July 6, 1941






H. Henry Kassman


הצבא הבריטי


Imperial War Museum (IWM)

Folder Number:

Gunner HH Kassman 6-8.1941


Letter from Gunner H. Henry Kassman to his mother, from within a file of his correspondence between 1941-1943 compiled by his daughter in 2010. File’s contents are primarily typed letters and other correspondence, occasionally reproduced (often in addition to the typed version), and also include photographs, diary entries from Kenneth Rankin’s book Top-Hats in Tobruk, some other written materials, and some explanatory material. For further information, please see the folder summary. For all posts about this collection, please click on the “H. Henry Kassman” tag in this post.

Pages 5-6: Letter to Kassman’s mother. Kassman has just received three letters of hers, two of which were apparently “fished out of the sea”. Mention of renewing a magazine subscription (Lilliput) and the special rate for the Forces.

They have not had fruit issued to them for months. There is, however, local fruit which the Australian soldiers do not want to share—grapes and figs. Mention of how Kassman acquired some of each.

Anecdote about a hedgehog and her four babies found under Kassman’s kitbag following a storm. Mention of having heard from Estelle Pappé (née Stone)—her husband Arthur is now a captain.

Censor HE Collins.


1 page (half on page 5, half on page 6), typed. Dated July 6, 1941.

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