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Private Papers of H H Kassman – Card and Letter from Kassman to Mother, Airgraph from Kassman to Viviane, December 31, 1943, January 2, 1944




איטליה, לונדון


H. Henry Kassman


חג המולד, מחלה


הצבא הבריטי, חיל האויר המלכותי, צבא ארה"ב


Imperial War Museum (IWM)

Folder Number:

Gunner HH Kassman 8-12.1943


Page 22: Reproduced card: “Xmas Greetings from the Royal Air Force 1943” sent to Mr & Mrs Eibuschitz (Alfred and Rebecca, Kassman’s step-father and his mother) at a London address. Stamped by RAF censor. Dated December 1943

Pages 22-23: Letter to mother. Kassman is on his way back to the 152 Battery in Italy. Mail, reference to Kassman’s journey since falling ill in October. Recounting of military Christmas celebrations, particularly amongst the Americans (including anecdote about Black American soldiers – musical context, in an American canteen where they were the majority). Dated December 31, 1943

Page 23: Airgraph to Viviane. Kassman has finally rejoined the 152 Battery in Italy. Reference to Kassman’s “most extraordinary” journey back (to be detailed in future letters). Short description of New Year’s day festivities. Dated January 2, 1944

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