File regarding the political status of Allouche Liaou, including two documents, January 28, 1941 – March 11, 1942.
This file regarding Allouch Liaou includes:
- An individual notice stating that Allouch Liaou, a ward of the nation, does not meet the conditions to retain the political status of a citizen, March 11, 1942 [93-3 G 10-IMG_8090].
- A handwritten letter from Allouch Liaou requesting the restoration of French citizenship, lost due to the abrogation of the Crémieux Decree, January 28, 1941 [93-3 G 10-IMG_8090-IMG_8091-IMG_8092].
- A confidential report from the mayor of Bône presenting Allouch Liaou, October 17, 1941 [93-3 G 10-IMG_8093].