Document from the Governor General to the Prefect of Constantine regarding 20 files concerning several Jews and their status.
This document refers to 20 files established in the name of individuals requesting to remain in the political status of French citizens. The names are: Chicheportiche Nessim, Saboun Mardochée, Miliara Ichoua, Hadjadj Isaac, Sebbah Ichoua, Pariente David, Miliara Salomon, Baccouche Ferradj, Guedj Mardochée, Miliara Isaac, Chekli Sassy, Dr Guedj Rahmine, Bakouche Adolphe, Atlan Eliaou, Safar Lucien, Ayoun David, Ayoun Abraham, Azan Lucien, Ayoun Daniel, M’Selati Jules.