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Rapport au sujet de l’état d’esprit des travailleurs saisonniers originaires du Maroc espagnol, Oran, 21 juin 1940




אוראן, מרוקו


travailleurs saisonniers



Folder Number:



This report provides several pieces of information regarding seasonal workers from Spanish Morocco:

1. The usual movement of agricultural workers traveling for seasonal work from Spanish Morocco to Orania had been slowed down at the start of the campaign by the action of the Spanish authorities and in view of the international situation.

2. The facilities granted by the French Government to Spanish Moroccan workers to cross to Algeria and regularize their situation have facilitated matters. 200 Spanish Moroccan workers in the department have obtained this regularization.

3. These Moroccans are above all concerned with ensuring their existence and that of their families. They come to Algeria to find remunerative work and supply facilities. They escape the economic difficulties of Spanish Morocco and the call of military order.

4. They have a relative sympathy for French Morocco.

5. In the event of events taking place in Spanish Morocco, many will return to the country to reunite with their families. But there are also in Oranie 5,000 to 6,000 Spanish Moroccans settled and provided with the identity cards of agricultural workers whose situation is stable, and among whom the movement of return would be less marked than among seasonal workers.



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