Statut des Juifs – Mairie de CONSTANTINE, 19 Janvier 1942
January 19, 1942 – Letter from the Mayor to the Prefect of Constantine in response to requests made, in particular by the Governor General of Algeria, to make a census of the Jewish population of the Canton of Constantine.
First of all the letter quotes the particular case of the census of five people in September and November 1941. Then it indicates that among the Jews “whose names are entered on the lists annexed to the letter of the Governor General, some could justify to their census and the others were invited to subscribe the declarations”.
Finally, he specifies that on 12/16/1941: “I informed you that the number of ration cards held by the Jews in my commune was 13,067. The number of Jews counted on 9/10/41 amounted to 12,975, resulting in a difference of 92 fewer people appearing in the census. This difference is explained by the normal movement of the population which took place between the closing date of the census operations and the date on which the number of ration cards was provided by the Municipal Supply Service”.