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Renseignement au sujet de l’après débarquement du 8 novembre à Alger et à Oran, Constantine, 19 novembre 1942




Tunisia, גרמניה, יפן, לונדון, צרפת, קונסטנטין


Amiral Darlan, Général Giraud


débarquement des Forces Alliées, Indigènes-Colons, statut des juifs



Folder Number:



This report describes the general situation and which is constantly evolving, following November 8, the date of the landing of American troops in Algiers and Oran.

1. European circles are very divided. In “national” circles and in the Legion, we have rallied to the order of Admiral Darlan. There are many resignations from legionary circles. The question “Is North Africa a dissenter or not?” Cannot be answered with certainty. In these circles, the broadcasts of the Radio Diffusion Nationale broadcasts are carefully monitored and contribute to increasing the disturbance. We hear that calls for reservists are illegal, that disorder reigns in the US military. We show reservations about the possibility of an Anglo-Saxon victory over the Axis armies in Tunisia. in these circles the personalities of General Giraux prevail.

2. Gaullist and Republican circles are happy with the American landings, and hope that these events will have repercussions inside the country.

3. Muslim circles admired Germany and Japan. The landing of the Americans and the sight of the passing convoys turned this situation around. They went from a pro-German feeling to a pro-American feeling.

4. “The Gaullist broadcasts from London and Brazzaville affirmed that the American authorities would suppress the democratic and racial laws of the French state in North Africa. This point seems to be of great concern to Muslims, and one can consider that the return from the point of view of the status of the Jews to the pre-war situation would be a catastrophe from the indigenous political point of view “.

5. The press published a call for European and native volunteers of all ranks and all arms, to resume service. The report presents the results of this Appeal on November 18, distinguishing between the French, the Muslims and the Jews.

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