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Rapport du lieutenant-colonel Astier sur la propagande sioniste en Afrique du Nord au Gouverneur général de l’Algérie, Touggourt, 17 novembre 1944




ביסקרה, צפון אפריקה


Astier, Ayoun, M'Sellati, Roosevelt


débarquement des Forces Alliées, Indigènes, propagande, sionisme



Folder Number:



This report announces that no Israelite organizations within Jewish communities have been detected in the territory. The same is true for the circulation or distribution of Israelite newspapers. In El-Oued and Ouled Djellal (annex of Touggourt), no Zionist propaganda clearly manifested itself. The Jewish community remains “reserved and correct” and experienced “great joy and relief since the landing of the Allied Forces in North Africa and the reestablishment of republican legality”. The only two people who show a certain activity are the president of the “Combat” group and the secretary of the Union des Syndicats. On the other hand, a Zionist propaganda, led by Mr. Ayoun (head of the Jewish community) exists in Biskra.The report also notes that the units of the Royal Air Force (RAF) replaced by a detachment of the USA-AF, has been the object of rapprochement on the part of the indigenous population with the question of Zionism. It is also noted that the Imam of the great mosque of Biskra abstained from officiating during the ceremony of November 1 due to the presence of Mr. M’Sellati, of Jewish faith, president of the special delegation of Biskra , in official delegations.