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Nationalité de l’étrangère épousant un indigène algérien, Vichy – Rabat, 7 Avril – 16 Mai 1941.




משרד החוץ הצרפתי

Folder Number:

FFM_6GMII-102_0120 – 0126


April 7 – May 16, 1941 – Exchanges of letters between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Justice, and the Resident General in Rabat.

On April 7, the Resident General wrote to the Minister of Justice to ask him how the status of the foreign woman who married a native Algerian of French nationality, Jewish or Muslim, should be considered, both in terms of her citizenship and that of her nationality, and this following the abrogation of the law of October 24, 1870 by that of October 7, 1940. He cites a certain number of other laws and jurisprudence which grant French nationality in certain cases to this married woman.

On May 16, the Minister of Justice communicates his response to the Resident General through the Minister of Foreign Affairs, but without making reference to the law of October 7, 1940. It results from a decree-law of November 12, 1938 : «… allows the acquisition of French nationality only on the express request of the woman before the marriage ».

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