Circulaire « Délivrance de visas aux étrangers se rendant dans les territoires de l’Empire français », mention « Secret », 09 et 21/04/1942
April 9, 1942 – The Minister of the Interior informs the Prefects of the Free Zone, and the Deputy Prefects, « at the request of the Department of National Defense » of the conditions under which « Foreigners residing in the Free Zone can be issued visas to the Empire ». Three cases are covered : « Foreigners other than Germans or Italians », « Germans or Italians not members of Control Commissions », « Germans or Italians members of Control Commissions (in uniform or in civilian clothes) ».
Very strict controls and provisions are imposed in all cases. It is specified that in the event of an incident involving a foreigner, it will be necessary to « inform urgently directly by telegram or by telephone the Office of Armistice Services at the Ministry of National Defense » and also the Ministry of the Interior.
April 21, 1942 – The circular is sent, with the mention « secret », for information to the Resident General in Rabat and Tunis