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Contrôle des entrées au Maroc ; disposition particulière des « personnes honorablement connues » – Rabat, Vichy – 17 et 27/04/1941




משרד החוץ הצרפתי

Folder Number:

FFM_6GMII-92_00152, 0156


April 17, 1941 – Telegram from General Noguès, Resident General in Rabat, to the Chancellery in Vichy, by which he asks to reconsider the authorization given on January 4 to « persons honorably known to the prefects » to go to Morocco without prior consultation of the Bureau de Circulation du Maroc (B.C.M.) : « in practice it appeared that a large number of authorizations were granted under abusive conditions and for unjustified travel purposes. The current situation in Morocco prohibits extending this experience ». He specifies that as of April 25, the Security Department in Morocco will prohibit « access to the French Protectorate territory to any French who cannot produce an entry visa bearing a B.C.M. number ».

April 27, 1941 – Telegram from the Chancellery to General Noguès indicating that it approves his decision : « I urgently inform the Ministry of the Interior that the Department of Security in Morocco will refuse access to the territory of the Protectorate to all French who cannot produce an entry visa bearing the B.C.M.C. number ».

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