Séjour à la Martinique d’Étrangers se rendant en Amérique – Vichy – 10/03/1941
March 10, 1941 – Letter from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Minister of Foreign Affairs recalling that on October 31, 1940, he had already pointed out the inconveniences presented by the sending by the General Residence « of foreigners who did not meet the regulatory conditions to stay in Martinique ». Each ship coming from Casablanca brings transit passengers for the United States « some of whom do not have the American visa or valid reasons for obtaining it. Often dubious and destitute individuals find themselves staying in Martinique. They constitute therein elements of trouble in a territory where foreign action seeks to be exercised ». The Governor is ordered « to refuse the residence permit to these people in transit from now on ». It is asked that « the Resident General of France in Morocco prohibit the boarding of people without an American visa ».