Rapport sur l’arrivée d’un israélite provenant de la zone occupée, Oran, 1er septembre 1940
The report mentions the disembarkation of the liner “G.G. Gambon” of André Elichai El Sair, a French citizen of the Jewish faith coming from Angers to visit his parents in Oran. André Elicha provides the authorities with several information on life in the occupied zone: the civilian population is well treated by the Germans, Israelites included, several of them are employed in the offices of the Kommandantur, etc. He also indicates that he presented himself “in vain daily for fifteen days to the French services to obtain his laissez-passer, and he only finally obtained it by the direct appeal to the German authority who would have pointed out to him. how much more expeditious than the French Authority in its procedures “. There would also be a systematic obstruction in the French offices, obstruction which would be produced by the Germans to put obstacles by demonstrating new requirements that one does not meet in the German offices.