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Rapport sur l’activité des groupements antisémites dans le département de Constantine, 13 mai 1938






Jacques Doriot, René Bouffet, Victor Arrighi


antisémitisme, Indigènes


Parti Populaire Français (PPF)



Folder Number:



This report indicates that there is no anti-Semitic organization or section in the department of Constantine.

The report mentions the conference given by Mr. Arrighi, president of the French Popular Party, during the visit to Bône by Mr. Doriot, leader of the same party. This conference exposes the “Jewish problem” in a very virulent way: “[…] Here are individuals who have been French by an unjust decree for 70 years and they are not mixed with the large French family […]. the Jews are kept apart. They jealously guarded their autonomy. They wanted to be Jews before being French and to govern the French while remaining Jews. […] Foreigners they were, foreigners they will remain. …] We will put everyone in their place and we will leave the French in their rightful place: the first “. This speech was followed by loud applause.

The report indicates “that no consequences were noted following this meeting. It is however certain that theses of this kind, although having an element of truth” can reinforce the feelings of repulsion of a part of the population with regard to the jews.

In Djidjelli, the Jewish and Muslim communities continue to keep their distance.