Rapport sur le mouvement antisémitique dans le département d’Oran, 1er mars 1938
Anti-Semitic formations only exist in Oran and Sidi-Bel-Abbès.
In Oran, anti-Semitism was already present with the “Latin Unions” chaired by Jules Molle (former mayor of Oran). Upon his death, this active anti-Semitic policy was continued by Mr. Pares and Mr. Menudier (former mayor of Oran). This policy was supported by Mr. Lambert and the local daily “Le Petit Oranais”. The report makes the history of this anti-Semitism within the municipality of Oran, in particular during the legislative elections. Anti-Semitism is also found among members of the National Rally, the French Social Party, the French Popular Party, and the Latin Friendship. Part of this document deals with the “structure and importance of anti-Semitic formations” and the “means of propaganda employed and their objectives”, propaganda through meetings, balls, distribution of books to the unfortunate. The propaganda of the “Latin Friendship” has already had consequences, in particular the boycott of Jewish businesses and the liberal professions, which see their turnover decrease.
In Sidi-Bel-Abbès, three groups have an anti-Semitic tendency: the sections of Action Française, the Dames Royalists, and the Unions Latines. Lucien Bellat (mayor of Sidi-Bel-Abbès) and Paul Bellat (financial delegate) are the most active members. At the “Centro Cultural Español”, anti-Semitism is the dominant element in the action taken by the French and foreign members of this association.
The newspapers “Oran matin” and “Le Petit Oranais” are the only dailies that have opened their columns to “Amitiés Latines” without any restriction. Anti-Semitic propaganda is carried out through meetings. Press articles and the distribution of leaflets served to fuel the electoral campaign of the anti-Semitic candidate in the last elections to the Financial Delegations. Cries “Down with the Jews” are uttered in the street.
In Mascara, the creation of a food and clothing cooperative is intended to boycott the Israelite trade. The anti-Semitic organ “Halte-là” appears for some time in this department. In the district of Mostaganem, there are distributions of leaflets, the affixing of swastikas, inscriptions on buildings and shops belonging to Jews, bridges, public buildings …
The native circles retain their hatred for the Israelites with whom they nevertheless have a close relationship, especially from a commercial point of view.
The lecturers Follereau and Barthélémy hold almost exclusively anti-Semitic speeches.