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Rapport sur l’antisémitisme dans le département d’Oran, 19 juin 1937




אוראן, אלג'יר, קונסטנטין


abbé Lambert, Bernard Lecache, Coston


antisémitisme, boycottage



Folder Number:



This report describes the rebirth of the anti-Semitic movement in the department of Oran. This upsurge manifests itself in several ways: softened Jews, a boycott of Israelite stores, inscriptions of large swastikas, insults on Israelite stores, or the following texts on the walls: “The Jews make life dear”, “Your prophet Mohamed said that the Jew is your enemy. Do not forget it”, “France to the French, the Jews in Palestine “,” Attention! Here Jewish store, do not buy anything “,” As the rat spreads typhus, the plague, and cholera, the Jew causes ruin, revolution, and war “,” Christians, the Freemason Bernard Lecache has just insulted you. React. “, etc.

These inscriptions are innumerable, on the kilometer markers, the transformers of electrical energy … “It has not yet been possible to apprehend their authors”. The report mentions the possible perpetrators of these acts: certain members of the French Social Party, the French Popular Party, and the National Assembly of Abbé Lambert. The latter publishes anti-Semitic articles in the daily “Oran Matin”, he would take the label of “national anti-Jewish candidate”, for the departmental elections in October. “Le Petit Oranais”, the former organ of Doctor Molle, also publishes articles of a rare violence.

The report questions the reasons for the revival of anti-Semitism, which would be psychological and political.

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