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Rapport mensuel sur l’activité musulmane dans le Département de Constantine, janvier 1947




Egypt, Tunisia, אנגליה, לבנון, לונדון, מרוקו, סוריה, עיראק, ערב הסעודית, פאריס, פלשתינה, קונסטנטין, שוויץ


Abbas Ferhat, Bendjelloul, cheikh el Okbi, Saadane


Indigènes-Colons, sionisme, terrorisme





Folder Number:

11H64 IMG_8912-IMG_8921


This report gives an overview of January 1947 on political activity in Constantine and on the many external events of interest to Muslim circles.

After a short period of calm, terrorism resumes in Palestine. the Stern group declares: “There will be no calm until the British leave Palestine”. The Irgun claims that Jewish participation in the London Conference would only worsen the resistance.

Many incidents take place. Emir Mohamed Al Zenati is shot dead by young Arabs. The British soldiers demonstrate violently in Nathanis. As a sign of reprisals, the Irgun shoots an English officer and three non-commissioned officers. In Jerusalem, terrorists use flame throwers and mine the roads. A bomb thrown at the British headquarters in Haifa claimed many lives.

The Zionist movement disapproves of these acts and severely condemns the members of the Irgun and declares in particular: “The terrorist movement in Palestine does not constitute a danger for the British Empire, but for the future of the Jewish people. While the struggle Counterterrorism intensifies in Palestine, reprisals take place in London Sir Allan Cunningham, High Commissioner of Great Britain visits London.

All the member states of the Arab League have agreed to participate in the next Palestinian conference to be held on January 21 in London. The Basel Congress decided that Jews and Arabs would not participate in the London conference. On January 9, we learn that 750 Jewish immigrants from the island of Cyprus where they were interned, arrived in Haifa.



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