Rapport mensuel sur l’activité indigène dans le Département de Constantine, novembre et décembre1942
This report gives an overview of November and December 1942. It also contains information on elected Muslim officials, reformist ulama, religious brotherhoods, the Jewish question, the press, military, and economic questions …
Following the arrival of the Allies, Muslims are worried that reforms may only be taken in favor of the Jews and not in their favor. A few Jewish personalities from Algiers and some Muslim leaders from the same city or passing through have approached. “It is not impossible that at a certain time the question of a Judeo-Arab state was considered under French tutelage but with a sort of American guarantee. But since the Jews believed to find assurances in the interview with Admiral Darlan, they no longer seem to seek the support of Muslims. “The Jewish problem remains important in the face of the Muslim problem.” “In North Africa and especially in Algeria, the Jewish question does not take on the same aspect than in France: the existence of a large mass of more than 100,000 Jews and the part taken by this masses in the pre-war political struggles here give this question a special aspect. ” ” Certain foreign radio broadcasts of the month of November and Admiral Darlan’s statement released to the press on December 17, may have unfortunate repercussions. ” it is better to act in silence than to rop talk about the Jewish question in general and do nothing in particular.